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Membres > Musiciens > Chanteurs

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Pierre Benvenuti 75000 - France
Chanteur pro (ex Notre Dame de Paris), Pierre Benvenuti a dernierement sorti un cd solo vendu dans le sud.
Yan abro Charaoui EN4OJQ - Royaume-uni
I am a world-electro music arranger with a BA in film & video Central St Martin's currently studying for an MA in Sonic Arts, I grew up in Beirut and sing in three languages.
Chris Alantch 94230 - France
PROJe suis un artiste à part entiére, j'ai pris 2 ans de cours de théâtre et j'ai eus un rôle ds 1 long métrage qui sortira fin 2005,je suis aussi model photo et mannequin,j'adore chanter et cherche des pros sérieux pour sortir 1album j'aime la soul, le pop rock genre lenny kravitz, la house.
Jaroslav 90802 - Etats-unis
I am a singer trying to make my own music on DP4, with the help of Korg Triton Le
Katy3 -
PROFemale vocalist with songwriting, web-based collaboration experience and a number of tracks published to date. Currently interested in session work/voice over experience and further collaboration with pop producers on tracks for pitching to publishers. Dance projects also considered. Great pop voice/ 'sweet' voice/ old fashioned 50's voice...... all styles considered. Looking for fee based, or royalty based work with proffessionals only, I work from my home studio, using U87 and Logic.
malinmartin H1V3E1 - Canada
Je suis vraiment inculte dans les sequenceurs informatiques, dans mon temps j'utilisais des séquenceurs hardware donc j'ai besoin d'aide pour les vst et audio units pour DP4
Zarife Duysak 1620 - Belgique
Musicien chanteur
foxmox 90078-2085 - Etats-unis
PROE·clec·tic adj. - Selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources, systems, or styles: an eclectic taste in music; an eclectic approach to managing the economy. - Made up of or combining elements from a variety of sources: “a popular bar patronized by an eclectic collection of artists, writers, secretaries and aging soldiers on reserve duty”
fattofatto 90210 - Etats-unis
PROLead singer/founder of the band, THE KINSEY SCALE.
Mohamed Cisse 95300 - France
Rappeur depuis ~15 je souhaite composer mes propres productions musical avec cubase sx
Samuel BAUER 75011 - France
Poète du quotidien
yanbil 35133 - France
cellubab 57122 - Italie
PROHa studiato Canto Gospel e direzione corale con il Rev. Nehemiah H. Brown; canto moderno con Petra Magoni; antropologia vocale, vocalità e sperimentazione vocale (diplofonie, triplofonie, vocal fry, sifflet e stripsody) con Albert Hera; canto armonico (Khoomej e Kargyraa) con il M° Roberto Laneri; coralità, vocal conducting, canto a cappella e arrangiamento per gruppi vocali con Andrea Figallo; armonia e composizione con il M° Roberto Sbolci Si è perfezionato e tutt’ora prosegue i suoi studi sotto la guida del M° Antonio Juvarra attraverso MasterClasses sul “Cantare Naturale” Ha perfezionato le tecniche di canto jazz e vocal improvisation attraverso metodi e seminari di Bob Stoloff, Claude Gosset, Donna McElroy e Micelle Weir Ha studiato le tecniche di conduzione corale attraverso metodi e seminari di William Dehning, Russel Robinson e Jay Althouse. Tutt’ora prosegue il perfezionamento degli studi di Choral Conducting a Francoforte sotto la guida del Dr. Matthias Becker
Karl Gabriel 18067 - Etats-unis
I'm a straight up freak with voice and an attitude. I love music as art not as science, but I love my Mac.
Leo Armand 75017 - France
Eurasien qui chant qui chante
Aumar Sow 94320 - France
PROChanteur et rappeur en Langue Africaine Oualoff et peulh du SénéGal (Style de Musique :Laawan musik; ou expression moderne des griots)
kyeevan 03811 - Etats-unis
Omar A 1000 - Pologne
PROMy life now revolves around my job, my album and my pet cat :)
Rollo Kim BN3 - Royaume-uni
Spoken word / ambient / post-rock crooner / bassist and vocalist for a punkprogkrautrock band "A Situationist Man in a Suitcase" [Com(a) TV]
Alexander Mars 75013 - France
PROAlexander Mars - Male Diva / Atipikal voice Soul, House, R&B, Pop Rock
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